Recruitment & Employer Brand

Identify your future talents for more effective recruitment

The Career Center at emlyon business school prepares the learning and alumni community for sustainable employability by facilitating professional integration, fostering exchanges between learners and employers, and sharing expertise on employability.

If you wish to optimize your recruitment and employer branding, our Career Center offers various events and meetings, both online and on our campuses in Lyon and Paris. Join us to share your passion, your company culture, and discover your future talents among our students!

Contact the Career Center team


For any question or additional information, please contact us
+33 (0)6 30 78 72 67

The Career Center prepares and supports the learning and graduate community for successful integration
Discover the calendar of our events for 2024-2025

The Career Center offer

emlyon business school's hybrid offering includes a variety of events in-person or online, thematic forums, virtual meetings, days dedicated to presenting a profession or industry sector, roundtable discussions, conferences, and lunches with our students. Each event is organized to provide companies with a unique opportunity to connect with qualified candidates in their field.

You can also entrust a project or pedagogical case to a group of students to benefit from their expertise and creativity while contributing to their professional development.

Post your job offers

Internships, apprenticeships, jobs, VIE, etc… Recruiting among emlyon students and graduates goes far beyond meeting your human resources needs. It's an opportunity to reinvent your processes, redefine your market, and conquer new horizons.

Through our digital platform Career Center Jobteaser, you can showcase your company, job offers, and events to our student community online. This platform serves as the interface between emlyon's Career

Recruiters who trust us

Recruiters who trust emlyon

News related to recruitment and employer branding

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